Founded on July 2, 2020
Hey Family!
Thanks for stopping by! I’m Aaron Dodson. I’m a young aspiring chef and self-taught food photographer from Baltimore, Maryland. Growing up in a large family meant there was always some type of family function going on. Of course, with every birthday party, holiday dinner, and summer cookout, we had to have food. Now when I say food, I don’t mean little hors d'oeuvres and finger sandwiches. When it came to my family, a feast was always the way to go, even when it was less than six people.
I fell in love with cooking as a kid while watching and helping my dad in the kitchen. He learned from his parents and they from theirs. I decided at the age of ten that I wanted to be a chef. So, for the next decade, I worked just to do that. I decided to get my business degree after high school to get a grasp of what it took to build a brand.
After 4 years of schooling, I decided to pick up my life and go to school again (How crazy was I?) Late that summer in August of 2018, I moved to upstate New York. It was there that I spent two years getting classically trained in the art of food at The Culinary Institute of America.
If I was told a couple of years ago that I’d be starting a food blog, I would’ve probably laughed. This was definitely not in my plan, but with any dream, I had to adjust. I realized that I loved showing others that anyone could enjoy cooking.
As you all could probably tell, I’m obsessed with food. I knew that I was a true foodie when I started planning my days around my meals. Thinking about that for a while helped me create the name of my blog, Be Greedy Eats.
Food was always the one thing that could stand the test of time. It brought my family and friends together despite their differences. No matter what we’re going through, food has the ability to change our entire mood.
I believe that the best food comes from the heart and soul. I didn’t grow up using recipe cards. There was no teaspoon of this or that. My dad and the older ladies in my life would just tell me when to stop adding. They cooked with their taste buds, and always knew exactly what was missing. But, for the purpose of this blog, you all will have access to every measurement.
All of the recipes posted will be indulgent, easy to make, and can be made in a variety of ways. So, stop what you’re doing and join me on this journey of indulging!
“Cook with LOVE and nothing else.”